
You will notice that some of the links to these titles lead to external pages for purchase.

You might wonder: Why?

It’s no small feat to get a book published. Selling it to an audience is even harder.

Many friends and supporters often ask me if buying books from me directly benefits me most. Which is kind and understandable: You want to see authors benefitting from your purchase.

In truth, however, I benefit greatly when you purchase my books from publishers and booksellers - including Amazon. These purchases are tracked by my publishers. It shows them that there is public interest and support for my work.

It also means I can focus on writing my next book rather than work on selling off my own inventory. While I do have some books you can order direct, it is costly for me to purchase books up front. Not to mention the space they take up in my home ;)

If you want to read my books, don’t hesitate to purchase them from sources other than me - even Amazon. It all counts, no matter how you go about it.

~ Liz

This page is growing. More titles and signed and OOP copies will be available soon. Stay tuned!