the batcave poems: “PASSING FADS”

I was
bit too young to be
in London.
Sharing a house,
wasn’t aware of
a lot of aspects of
what people do.

I was
a self-appointed
creative, the
perfect way to
contextualise a
weird trip.

I was
looking for something
different, something new.
The private party, the
exploitation of
passing fads.

I was
ritualised in Tuesday nights
and that now legendary
Bowie Night.

I was
scarcely streetwise,
more furtive but

I was
one-nighters and
evening dress,
hanging on
to the music, the
words of a friend.

I was
very exciting times.

The Batcave Poems are part of a poetry experiment where I’m excavating the language from interviews and accounts of 1980s goth club the Batcave and related scenes and communities. At the moment I’m only working from a few sources of text. I may expand on this project further with other goth clubs or scenes.

These poems are not meant to be historically accurate accounts of any specific place, but instead to work from the essence and atmosphere of the way certain times and places are described.

Source texts:

“The Rise of the Batcave,” Lisa der Weduwe, Museum of Youth Culture,

“To The Batcave: The 1980s London Club Where Outsiders Could Be Themselves,”

“69 Dean Street and the Making of UK Club Culture,”

“In The Batcave With Mr & Mrs Fiend: Alien Sex Fiend On Goth & Marriage,” Nix Lowrey,


The batcave poems: “this is what you missed”