The batcave poems: “this is what you missed”

This poem is a continuation of a project I announced on a previous blog, where I am remixing and re-using text from several interviews about 1980s goth club the Batcave and adjacent scenes. You can read more about the project here.

“This is What You Missed”

I was just getting crazier,
keen to entertain talk of how I
fell into the vortex.
Death Trip and an
open-door policy: I needed space
to state what you missed,
the first flickering of upset and demi-monde.

Everybody has shit to deal with.
It took all of my strength and belief to
see that Life inspires.
You can’t go back in the time and unlearn but
you can do other things to move forward.

To other people I will always be different
every time:
unfading passion,
safe territory,
love ignited.

Source texts:

“The Rise of the Batcave,” Lisa der Weduwe, Museum of Youth Culture,

“To The Batcave: The 1980s London Club Where Outsiders Could Be Themselves,”

“69 Dean Street and the Making of UK Club Culture,”

“In The Batcave With Mr & Mrs Fiend: Alien Sex Fiend On Goth & Marriage,” Nix Lowrey,


the batcave poems: “PASSING FADS”


The Batcave poems: “1983”